"One of the biggest factors is going to be how the media shapes debates. If a Republican member of Congress is not punished on Fox News or by Rush Limbaugh for working with a Democrat on a bill of common interest, then you’ll see more of them doing it.
I think John Boehner genuinely wanted to get a deal done, but it was hard to do in part because his caucus is more conservative probably than most Republican leaders are, and partly because he is vulnerable to attack for compromising Republican principles and working with Obama.
The same dynamic happens on the Democratic side. I think the difference is just that the more left-leaning media outlets recognize that compromise is not a dirty word. And I think at least leaders like myself—and I include Harry Reid and Nancy Pelosi in this—are willing to buck the more absolutist-wing elements in our party to try to get stuff done."
Truer words have never been spoken. I completely agree that Boehner was trying to do his job and compromise...but bc of the pressure from hot heads like those seen on Fox News and silly radio shows, the right wingers were fired up and not willing to work it out. Furthermore, the Dems are guilty of pressuring things...but it is within reason...it never goes as far as Fox or Rush or Beck...all the dirty words that feel filthy leaving my lips. Those people care more about profit than progress; more about ratings than reason. If anyone is called unpatriotic it should be those people....
Thanks goes to this article where I read this quote from our President: http://www.politicususa.com/obama-calls-rush-limbaugh-fox-news-poisoning-national-discourse.html HERE