Sunday, July 29, 2012

Bridges, helping hands, teachers...they built it.

In response to the following quote of Obama and the controversy it has become:

 "If you were successful, somebody along the line gave you some help. There was a great teacher somewhere in your life. Somebody helped to create this unbelievable American system that we have that allowed you to thrive. Somebody invested in roads and bridges. If you’ve got a business, you didn’t build that. Somebody else made that happen.”

I think that the Republicans were anxious to turn the attention off of Romney's questionable tax return issue....the fact that he will not release them. haha. Silly. That is not the attitude of a Pres I would like to elect. But besides the point. I think that Obama's intentions in that quote were exactly what they claim now.  But I would go further and say that his attack was an attack on pride more than on business owners. I believe in unity and working together and in a country that nurtures success and a government which defends that right and all the freedoms we have.  We all need people to lift us up along the way at different times. We are not successful on our own...bc one guy is smarter than the rest or bc one person worked harder than the rest. That is what Obama was saying.
I am happy to admit that Government helped me get an education through pell grants and low interest loans. How could a small business not be able to experience similar help through loans, laws to defend their invention..etc, etc.  Even though I agree that for a campaign strategist I would be slightly concerned about Obama's statement being misconstrued as an attempt at seemingly attacking business entrepreneurs, I do not believe that was his intent. I think he was trying to make a strong point in stating that people who are so anti-government need to realize what exactly the government has done to benefit them in their own successes. Some people do not realize what governement has done for them...and yet when they are in need of help from government...government does not do enough. It is confusing to me.
Furthermore, I do think that this quote has been blown into an enormous scare tactic by the Republicans in an effort to lead emotional voters by way of fear to vote Romney. Typical Republicans--in my opinion. I have seen too much of it from that side of politics. I don't think it is ethical to play on the easiest thing possible...people's emotions---yet, naturally that is what "sells." I remember this from 9/11 and the fact that our Pres told us that Saddam Huessain was responsible and he got us all fired up to end that evil man's reign...but in reality just another play on people's emotions bc he was not an immediate threat...nor was he responsible for 9/11 and the devastating affects of that day, though evil he was.  I think that we must all come to grips with the fact that Joe sees something completely differently from his brother Jack...even though they might have just seen the exact same thing. We all have very different point of views and frames of reference, etc...and I just happen to align myself better with today's Democratic party than with any other. I am still searching for a more pure political party....but I do not think it exists on earth today. :)

In addition, on this topic and in regards to this not being a fair blog bc I do not show the other side of things...this is not a news CNN or CBS (I do not consider Fox News anything more than the Enquirer for TV--it is a joke). It is just a more appropriate place to voice my political opinions than say facebook or my family blog. I know many people who are uncomfortable talking about politics and I don't want to put it in their face if they don't like to discuss it. I welcome discussions, though and love to hear other POV' else can we grow as a country or as an individual if we are not willing to hear one another? But I wish we could all hear each other out and not take what we have to say out of context and thereby changing it's meaning entirely.
Here is an article I found (the best one I could find) in which I totally agree.
Here is a source I found in looking up the quote and I totally agree with it, and could not say it better myself!


  1. "Playing on emotions..." Come on Em, certainly a President who says, "I will keep taxes low for 97% of the country and raise taxes on the top 3%" when that solves NO problems at that playing on the emotions of the 97% who don't have the benefit of all the details? Certainly you agree, right? That is 100% emotion and 0% solution. But our lefties make themselves feel better by saying, "hey, at least he's trying something like raising taxes on 3%, its a start." As laughable as is thinking we can move mountains 3 grains of dirt at a time and actually do it in a timeframe that our children could see a different scene. Those 3 grains won't change anything in this lifetime or 100 more behind us. President, a solution would be helpful to our economic situation. I don't need three grains of dirt moved at a time with your emotionally charged token $10 billion tax increase with no spending cuts. Social security, medicare, healthcare tax bill anyone? rag on FoxNews and then quote Washington Post! Haha! That is some good stuff! Them and the Communist News Network (CNN) are just as left leaning as Fox News is right leaning. Side note...I would make the point that the commentators (Hannity, Gretta, O'Reily) all have their own shows, not the opinion of FoxNews network. Do you really need me to list off the anchors on CNN that are clearly left leaning? :)

  2. Please reference that post that I was still waiting for a response. Again, our Demi friends only solution is more government financed by taxes on the top 3%. Do you really think the direction of his economic policies, if unchanged, will really yield a safer, sounder US Government financial standing in the markets? You may recall Moody's has already downgraded our financial rating once and has threatened another one. Dem's can't raise enough revenue from tax increases to stop us from slipping down the slop. So...despite all the weaknesses of both parties, I am looking earnestly during these debates for DETAILED solutions that actually fix the problems. If I hear "Raise taxes on the wealthy to pay their fair share" one more time, I will honestly puke. 100% emotion for the voter base to vote for him...0% solution, agree?

  3. I thought I'd take a cruise over to CNN to see what you think is "real news" and "really fair and balanced."

    Here is the headline on CNN right now:

    The headline alone suggests Republicans are the bad guys because the vote is purely political (duh). But if CNN suggests Republicans are playing political games, certainly CNN would have had a similar report in the last 10 days when the Senate did their left version of the same bill - obviously neither would pass because the other house of congress would reject the other.

    This article is the closest I could find:

    Why didn't the Democrats get the same "label" as playing political games for doing this vote even though it was for the same reason as the GOP?

    The reason why is we all know CNN is just as left leaning as FoxNews is right. Obviously we can move on from these comments about preferring CNN as a better balanced approach then FoxNews. :)

  4. I don't think you have ever really watched FOX news or else you have watched it too much and are desensitized by the irrational and bully like manner in which they discuss...anything! But especially politics. They invite democrats on only to yell at them and not let them speak. It is ridiculous! I will agree that CNN has some "leftie" as you said...but they at least have Republicans on and discuss with them...keeping it mature and reasonable. I only suggested the Washington Post bc I liked that article bc it really states what I think, but better than I could say it myself. I am not suggesting it is a totally impartial platform. Brian you and your Republicans sure know how to twist things! haha.

  5. The GOP puts us through classes as an elective in 1st grade to learn how to twist the truth around. I think the Dems have the same class but they get held back - their's is in 3rd grade.

    1. No, I think the Dems have their parents opt them out of that just like the Republicans have their parents write a letter to opt them out of sex ed. :)

  6. Do you HONESTLY think the Dems don't twist things? Of all things we can agree on is that all politician twist the story to shine in the best light favorable to them, right? Your peeps are not different sweetheart!

  7. I do think that politicians with emphasize the worst in each other, but I do think that the Republicans go bellow the belt. Also, is not something you can say, "Well yeah in a perfect world." If you don't provide ways for people with low income to gain an education, you are asking for more people on the streets, more crime, you are not helping the economy, you are not helping the nation. If we do that we will become like 3rd world countries with rich and poor...and if you are wealthy enough you can be educated and the rest of you, oh well. Crazy talk in my opinion. And I love how Republicans blame Obama for the debt and aren't willing to own up to the fact that we have been at war for years and guess what! That costs money. If we had done the job right and gone to war with the right people then maybe we would not be in so much debt. Obama has spent less than Bush, and is one of the lowest spending Presidents when you take the amount that goes towards financing the war away. And don't call me sweetheart. haha. That is so sexist and demeaning...I am sure you didn't mean it that way...maybe :) but there is nothing I hate more than a man calling anyone but his wife "sweetheart."
