My argument for voting Obama...again. Everything from abortion, lies, to a nutshell:
Firstly, nobody is "pro abortion!" That is so ridiculous that people
vote that way..."because I am pro life." I happen to think that should be left out of federal government jurisdiction. A woman's body should not be voted on by a bunch of judgmental men in other words. Of course I am all for babies, babies and more babies...I am all for adoption as a good path for women unable to take care of their unborn child. Fact is Romney's platform is
against abortion even at risk of the mother and in cases of rape or
incest. That is against the churches stance. But as far as lying...of
course politicians "massage the truth"---"twist things," etc! But Romney
makes out and out lies. We should all be upset about that. Not only
that but he changes his mind constantly! In an attempt at dodging the "you are lying"stabs. How can you trust anything the
man promises to do? ( I never trust the promises in is like HS class
president stuff). Look at the track record....of the 2 candidates...I
think that will tell you. (Clinton gave a great speech at the DNC about
this). Obama had a congress who has shut down Obama's deficit reduction
plans over and do you expect it to work!? I think a lot of
people criticize Obama's ineffectiveness..and "sure he has done good...but not good enough" and they say this without knowing the facts on how the system works.
I think people are tired of hearing those 2 points (Congress isn't
working for us, and we were in a mess in 2008 and are better off
now)...but it is the truth and sometimes the truth is painful to hear bc
it means someone isn't telling the truth and sometimes it reflects poorly back
on the indivual.
Here are key things I felt needed to be pointed out once more:
1: Congress was taken over less than 2 years into Obama's Presidency
and they said then and there they would not work with the President.
Fact 2: Obama has pushed things through and gotten things done and put
us back where we need to be regardless of their efforts to diminish his is a slow process---researching ACTUAL economists is helpful
on this topic--even CNN has some good interviews on it.
Fact 3: We are
still at war. No country is economically and fiscally sound at war and
Romney wants more war and more money going to defense than the defense
department has even asked for ($2 million more). Obama got us out of
Iraq (a place we were not ready to go into to begin with, but he took
care of it--cleaned up that mess), and he is getting us out of
Afghanistan--where we should have been to begin with.
And, finally, just to point out a few facts--not things we can disagree on...but facts-- about the housing market/economy:
Suze Orman was brought up bc she said we were heading into a
depression which we never reached bc ---EVERYONE agrees that people were given home loans who
should not have been...Obama has said that a zillion times...that is why
he is for regulation---the regulation missing during Bush years...which
Romney would roll back.
2. Romney wanted the housing market to hit
bottom and the car industry to fail (depending on which day and Romney
you are referring..bc he has changed his mind--not sure which one he is
at today). How would this benefit Americans quicker? Why not prevent
rock bottom and have it become successful before 1 in 6 Ohioans lose
their, etc and they have to spend years rebuilding? The car
industry is better now than ever! Thanks to Obama...that is a fact.
This is proof that Romney does not know how to run a country...only get
rich off of failing businesses.
3. "Romney has experience with
money...bc he is rich and a successful business man." (Not that you said
that, but I have heard it) False. Romney is ruthless and driven by
making the most money in his you honestly think that is the
only way to get our deficit back? (if in fact he is even able to
eliminate programs---bc it has proven to be a hard thing to do with
Congress men and women). Basically, in his previous job...he would let
the company tank...then take over, fire everyone, and profit from it by
selling it and moving on. Running the country is very different. Those
people who will lose their jobs bc he cuts the government program, the
PBS channel...whatever he plans to do (we don't know what that
is)...will not let it go...they are the Americans he should worry about.
On the contrary, Obama gives us a plan of continuing the road of
cutting programs that are ineffective and lowering taxes on on those
making less than $250,000...that way we receive income tax revenue from
the 1% (those doing very well--who will not suffer bc of it) to put
towards the deficit, or to pay for the government programs we need. We
then become a more self sufficient country. (Not to mention green energy
which Romney has implied he would cut entirely).
3. Romney's only
job is not cutting the deficit....he needs to be diplomatic and have
foreign policy background--he is very week in this area. He offended
countries upon his visit to the Olympics, for example---the easiest
place to be neutral and to be liked!
Top 3 reasons (keeping out specific policy) I vote for our President to keep his seat---in the most basic terms:
1. Foreign Policy: A President needs to gain respect from other
countries. Obama is very respected--he gained that respect back after
Bush. He makes tough defense decisions (got us out of Iraq...getting us
out of Afghanistan, took out Bin Laden). Not all people and countries
will like us bc we are free---that has always been the case. But we need
a President who is strong and able to talk with all kinds of leaders
around the world...and Romney will not be able to do that.
Healthcare: Health care reform is NECESSARY in this country...people
only know about how devastating it is until it happens to them, and a
sickness or cancer makes it so they can not receive medical plans in the
future if they get cancer again. People top out of their policy and
will lose their home, cars, everything bc of illnesses! Millions of
Americans! The Affordable Care Act has helped thousands of people stay
on their parents plan til they turn 26, they cannot be denied coverage
bc of things like asthma...a pre-existing condition. So many areas it
improves. It won't cut out the private insurance companies...we will
stay on our current plan. It will just provide an option to those who
are not given another option from their employment (other than the
expensive COBRA). It will make insurers bring down their rates in order
to be competitive. Basically healthcare is a monopoly and it is greedy
and divisive and health care should be something everyone has the rights
to, and everyone can should give people confidence that
they can be healthy and live good lives and not have this burden. Even
though you and I feel how expensive it is...we don't come close to those
families and people who work hard and still cannot afford proper
treatment for themselves or their children. What is Romney's idea for
the country? Ambulances. If someone is so destitute and in such an
emergency as ambulances are called for..."we will pay for that" Romney
says...but that is 3-4 x's the cost it could be to provide preventative
care for that individual. He knows that is wrong! That is why he had
Mass develop their health care system!
3. Compassion: I touched on
this before...but I am sorry nothing in the recent years tells me Romney
is a compassionate leader. He has become driven by his party to say and
do what they want and not what he knows he should do and is right.
Obama has proven his compassion and I support him for that...bc it is a
hard time to be a politician with a heart.
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