Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Romney! You support this GUY!!!??? What will be next!!?

****Update! Romney STILL stands behind this guy...shocked! Tod Akin was asked to step down, and was not supported....but this man can say what he wants about rape and still Romney supports him.****
I have to assume Romney is ignorant of the fact that he chose to support a man who could be possible of believing that pregnancy because of rape is "a gift." What a moron this Mourdock is!!! But add him to the list of extremists in which the Republican party keeps nominating!!! It is crazy!!! Ryan is another extremist...and Romney has during this campaign embraced many policies which are extreme...yet in his own words he seems to shy away from.

I have seen the video and even though Mourdock seems to come at the topic in a level headed manner...stating, "It is something I have struggled with..." he then goes on to add..."even when life begins in this horrible situation it is something God intended."  So wrong! God NEVER intends for his daughters to be raped. He just does not prevent us from using our free agency...and though I realize this man obviously does not realize the real plan...God's plan for each one of dare he say that women should not be allowed to decide in this instance if the burden is too great for them. Having a child should be joyous and exciting...not traumatic and mentally and emotionally staggering. How dare all these men decide for we "little women" in our "weaker sex" who obviously are not intellectual enough to make our own decisions! Silly, silly fools!

I have no idea why this gets me so upset. But I am strong woman. I love my husband and other good men...but men like this that take it upon themselves to say that they should decide for women what they can or cannot do with their bodies and their enrages me!

Governor Romney...I hope you will retract your statement of supporting this others have decided to go against Tod Akin in your party...with his absurd comment on rape. What is with these men thinking they can comment on rape!!!???

Here is Romney's endorsement:
Here is the Youtube video of Mourdock's statement:
Here is Todd Akin:

I apologize that the videos are not ideal....I only watched the first part of Akins and it had the part note worhty of what he said.

Now I know why some people choose to be labeled conservative and not republican...That trend is catching on...bc in my opinion they are ashamed of their own party.  I am starting to feel like it is a Republican epidemic! What is wrong with these men? I was glad that people stood up against Tod Akin...I hope more Republicans will do the same with this man.

Click HERE for a nice little chart of Republican Representatives and rape comments

We are not talking about personal opinion....this is their perspective on policies they want to pass! Republicans want to over turn Roe v Wade (Something the LDS church does not encourage), they want to be in control of women bc they feel they are right. Well, those Christian crusaders felt they were doing right, too...didn't they? Just because you label something "pro-life" or "Christian" does not mean that is at all what it is. 
Nobody is "Pro-abortion." Nobody wants someone to be in that situation or to go through that. It is a horrible thing to happen to the woman, or the unborn child. But it is not something government should stand between the woman and her physician over. These men say they are "pro-life" but what about the life of that mother?! If she was to be at risk they would not be "pro-life" for her life. This woman is so brave to speak out on this subject...  Click here. Jackie Speier...a lawmaker who had to have an abortion in order to save her life. These instances still happen today. We cannot vote in people who will allow for the law to come between a woman and her physician. 
 I am ALL for educating young women who have unwanted pregnancies...and inform them about the loving couples and families who would be overjoyed by this sweet baby. This young woman would probably be much happier and much better off mentally, spiritually and in every way to place this baby in a loving home through adoption. Educating these young women...finding ways for them to be able to afford their pregnancies...these are things we should be advocates for; we should not be taking obscure stance of what "legitimate rape" is or that rape is what "God intended." 

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