Saturday, October 20, 2012

UT District 3

Click here to hear from Soren Simonsen...I have talked to him via facebook...he is a great guy! I really like him! He is new in running for this office...that is why you haven't heard about him before...but he is currently the chair of SLC council.

What he wants to focus on:
1. Ethics being with campaign and how we fund elections.
2. Tolerance and moderateness
3. Enviroment  in and out of the city (out of the city the goal is to protect agriculture, for example).

Local issues:
At the top of his list is air quality and public transportation in UT...which he knows a lot about!

Soren Simonsen is an architect who moved to Utah from Austin, Texas.
(I typed up all this info on him and why he is better than Chaffetz and my WEB browser crashed! UGH)!

Please look into it yourself! But I really trust this guy. I think we need to really get people who will work for us...who have our vision of our community and who will fight for us. Simonsen has no agenda. He has no parties backing him up with money and lobbying for him. He is squeaky clean from all that worries us and bothers us about people in Washington! And not only that, but he says it is on his agenda when elected to fight for more ethical ways of campaigning! I think no matter what party you are in have to realize that Democrats here are not far "lefters"! They are not the Democrats I would support normally! haha. But I really like this guy! I feel like he is very non partisan and driven by ethics and a love for UT and this nation. I encourage you to try to contact him on fb or on his website and you will find out that he is a great guy!
I really like him from the small conversations on fb I have had with him and all he seems to stand for. Seems like a really level headed and nice guy. He said he doesn't want to raise a lot of money or lobby for corporation's to support him, he wants people to save their money and he will reach out to us through social media and the like. Refreshing!! Look for him on facebook! Here is his website.
Vote for him if you are in district 3!!!! He is awesome and has great morals!

If you are in the district 4: Matheson vs. Mia Love...(Which I think some of my neighbors think is our district..haha....bc Mia Love is a Mayor of Saratoga Springs):

Even though I have my beef with Matheson and I feel like he is not as "left" or "liberal" as I would like...he is far more centrist than Mia Love who is such an extremist! I wish I could like her...I know why GOP is pulling for her this election bc she is matching up with a much more moderate Matheson (since the districts changed). She also would add a dash of diversity to the Republican party bc she is Mormon, black and a woman! So she has received a lot of money and backing from the GOP and her agendas for SLC and Utah are obscured by her own agendas and career. This is what we want to stay away from! Matheson has done a good job and he deserves to keep his seat. He is a smart guy, went to Harvard, and he is an energy specialist...he also is LDS and has good values and ethics (as most of our people up for election of our religion claim--but I think we should avoid voting on people's faith). Mia Love has a lot of support...but they don't really know the facts on this woman. She wants to slowly raise taxes...she likes to spend (and had a deficit in Saratoga Springs). She does not represent what she really values...but has tried to piggy back on the (Utah) popular Romney campaign in order to win votes.

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