Click here for full debate and transcript.
I am so confident that Mr. President realized how he needed to bring his energy to the debate this time. I understand his loathing for his opponent...I would, too...if I did not have that dang Mormon code of loyalty that keeps me from trashing the guy! But I suppose that is how it should always be. I have defended both Ann and Mitt Romney in recent weeks as the campaign gets more and more heated going into election night...but that DOES NOT MEAN I support them and their stance on ANY issues...nor do I support the way Romney tends to try to use his years as a missionary and as a "pastor" to boast of himself. It is personally offensive...and I do believe it is only bc his campaign says he should remind people of his faith...bc he has proven to be hesitant on discussing it....again, though....this is an area he proves he gives in and does what people tell him to do, instead of going with his original instinct to keep his religion out of the campaign.
The debate was AWESOME and very enjoyable! I loved the VP debate...but this topped it!!!
Some points I loved:
1. When Romney was corrected by Crowley that the President DID say that the attacks were acts of terrorism...people have made this a ridiculous talking point! The President LOVES this country, has proven that THROUGH and WITH his foreign policy...and it should not even be a point of conversation...but extreme rights love to twist the truth to mean a 180 from reality!
2. I loved how well the President presented his on-going budget plan and moving forward with specifics...and how Romney yet again sang that song..."Take a chance on me!" Romney wants us to gamble like he does, "Bet you $10,000!" haha. Who makes bets of $10,000!!! During a cmapaign! In front of people with not enough money to bet $100! Well, Romney, I am not a gambling I will not gamble on you, even though you make a good pair of dice...flip-flopping, are not a good bet. And the future of our nation should not be gambled with.
3. I loved how strong Mr. President was with Immigration and how Romney pulled stuff out of the stapling a green card to people who are educated in our country to stay here and get American about we focus on educating our American people to get those jobs?! Though I am liberal with Immigration...Romney just does not seem to get it...and the Romney father was NOT Mexican...or a Mexican Immigrant! He keeps trying to imply that...when in fact we all know the truth.
4. I loved how Pres. Obama set the record straight time and again throughout the debate...Too many to list! (Romneycare = Obamacare, tax plan, energy plans, regulations, etc).
5. I love how Romney bellowed into the mic that "Government does not create jobs!" When in fact they do help create jobs...and his WHOLE campaign is based on his claim that he "wants to create jobs" and "will create jobs"...and I am all about jobs." What?!! Who are you!!? He was totally flustered...but it is like he doesn't have a firm grip on where he stands...just that he has to be loud and assertive and the American people will buy it....I haven't from day one...and I hope those who have so far have changed their opinion--at least slightly--on Romney's ability to be a leader.
That was some GREAT TV! And even better that I got to watch it first with my Mom and then again with my husband. I am so lucky to have both my Mom and my husband have the same political views I do! They are a relief among the madness that is UT....But I was behind a big ol' truck you would guess was for sure fact, they had an Obama 2012 bumper sticker! Though, I do not approve of such a vehicle...maybe it is necessary for work...but way to go fellow Utahan! :) There are like-minded people around me after all! :)
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