This article and the interview which I saw the first time it was said...has haunted me! This man must not have compassion...? Is that true? Can someone so seemingly devout Mormon not have compassion?! It is so hard to hard for me. And yet I can admit that I have trust issues...many people in my family, and people who were not blood relatives but which I considered family have taught me even good people can be very very cold and selfish. So because of my personal experiences that even people you once trust cannot always be trusted. I think Bro. Romney will have some time to really regret some of his actions over the course of this campaign...but that isn't for me to righteous judgement comes on Nov 6th when I vote for the man I see as the better suited to lead the free world. The man with compassion, backbone and strength of character and the man who has proven he is willing to negotiate with anyone who brings something to the table. I am not always happy with what the President has given into in order to meet the overall goal...but I understand that he does so for the greater good.
Would you vote for a man who says that people do not die in this country bc they can call an ambulance and "we will pay for it!?" Do you think A) that is being fiscally responsible to pay up to 4x's the amount of preventative care would have been or B) to say that "Well, if you are going to die...and only if you suffer until almost death...then sure, we will pay for the ambulance to take you to the hospital or ER."
We should be outraged...but many turn a blind eye to Bro. Romney's statements bc he is "a good man," and he is LDS.
We cannot justify what is discussed in this article...we simply cannot. Yet, if you think that healthcare is not the important distinction between the President and his running mate...than that is up to you. This is a free country.
Click here for article.
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