I don't get the obsession with the "smiles" and the "smirks" during debates! WE ALL DO IT when we think we are right (or we want to convince television viewers we are right) SMIRK in a discussion or debate...am I right? (SMIRK). BTW I couldn't make a good smirk using punctuation or symbols...so I will spell it out. (SMIRK). I have to admit a near and dear loved one of mine was guilty of this same comment ...aagh-heemm-bryson...(SMIRK/WINK) but really....move past the smirks people! I kind of like the fact that my Republican friends and family were silent on fb or commented on the smirks and smiles and rudeness of Mr. Biden bc they could not comment on the fact that Mr. BIDEN OWNED THAT ONE! Yeah buddy! Whoa...I must've been holding that one in. SMIRK
He was passionate and spirited...all of which I did not fault Romney on...but all of which others have tried to fault our V.P. on. Funny. (SMIRK).
But on to another topic...
I am tired of the many comments including that I need to love our neighbors--implying Mr. Romney. I actually like the father Mr. Romney, the husband Mr. Romney....the missionary Mr.Romney...the BRO. Bro. Romney...but I do not support the ...P...rrrr...eeee--can't do it...I do not support Romney for President. I totally believe in loving one another...I pray for my enemies even...(I don't fast for them heehee---as in the Romney fast)...but I pray for them. I am not perfect and sometimes I get too worked up...but I honestly try hard not to offend others and to state my view matter-of-factually...I use humor often to soften the tone...I am tired of being told to "be nice" ONLY because I am not voting Romney/Ryan...not because I am in fact being mean. I was very MEAN during the Bush Jr years and said out of line names about him--always in private...but we live and learn, right? Maybe I have some Joe Biden in me...some fire and passion and it is hard to keep it restrained...but I like to think I restrain myself often. That doesn't mean I am perfect though...and I sincerely apologize to anyone I have offended with my political rantings...I don't take myself too seriously and I hope others don't either. I hope everyone will use their own brains and make their own decisions...but just as those same folk said the Pres/owner of Chik-fil-a can make a stance and say his opinion without deserving the backlash...I can, too. But I doubt others will set up a day of appreciation for me...and make me lots of profits for taking a stance....no...they won't. BC I support Barrack Obama the Fox News declared "Anti-Christ," the man who has "done nothing" who is "Muslim and supports extremists groups," our President who is often called "Obama"--even by me bc it is a fun name...but disdainfully by many others. I am a Mormon Democrat. Sue me. But don't call me or my fellow Mormon Democrats to repentance for something you might be ignorant of yourself. We are taught to study things out ourselves...to be involved with politics...to uphold a separation of church adn state and Pres Hinckley even stated..."we need good people in both parties." The irony to me is that we (Mormons for Obama) are all (mostly) really happy, comfortable and confident in our vote for the President...but many (NOT ALL) but many people tell us..."not on facebook," reminding me that I am SEPARATE but equal to my fellow Latter Day Saints. I am OK...if I don't share my political views...even if they loudly declare there's. What do I do to this? Do I cry out as if I am being discriminated against and victimized....? Do I harshly call out others for their blatant "2-facedness" ---well on that point sometimes (SMIRK)---but instead...I blog about it...enjoy...another political ranting...mostly written for myself...and most likely not viewed by others (SMIRK)...but I approve this message.
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